Install UPAK following these simple steps:

  1. Create an “hhirf” directory. For a system installation, create /usr/hhirf. For your own personal use, you can put it nearly anywhere, but /usr/hhirf is the default location for some document and configuration files.
  2. Untar the upak tar file you have downloaded. It should create the directory ./upak.
  3. In the ./upak directory, edit the Makefile.
    • Set the PTRSIZE to 32 or 64 depending on the default pointer size your architecture supports. Examples are given.
    • Set the ENDIAN style of your machine. Intel machines are LITTLEENDIAN. PowerPC’s are BIGENDIAN.
    • Look for a set of “export…” lines with a preceeding comment that resembles your situation. If you are uncertain ask an expert, or pick one and give it a try. If you choose gfortran, IT MUST BE GFORTRAN 4.2.1 or later! If you are using a different C/Fortran combination than I have, send me the working configuration and I will include it in the documentation.
    • Save the Makefile
  4. Type “make”. If there are no errors, you are done. There might be a few warnings, but if the code compiles it should run.
  5. Put /usr/hhirf in your path and you are done.

To test your success, if the make process completed, you should run “damm”,
then use the command “fig 1”. If an X-window opens with x and y axes, you
probably succeeded. Use the programs of interest to further debug it.